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发布时间:2021-05-10 06:15:19

⑴ 关于网络私人助学贷款的英语作文

I am a sophomore in Shanghai University, majoring in computer software. In the previous one and a half years I have been a model student and monitor of my class.
However, since I registered here, the expenses have become a burden for my average family. You know, my parents are both laid-off workers, and, to make matters worse, my mother has suddenly fallen ill and is expecting a major operation. It will be beyond their ability to finance me through my remaining ecation. It is now a must for me to help relieve their financial pressure

⑵ 我对小额贷款公司提供的校园贷款的看法英语作文


⑶ 助学贷款申请信(英语作文)

October 14, 2007

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you to apply for a student loan. As a freshman from the English Department, I have much financial difficulty in continuing my study.

There are five members in my family. My father is the only breadwinner of the whole family while my mother was laid off two years ago. My grandmother has been suffering a chronic illness for more than five years. My younger brother is now studying in a high school. I took part-time jobs ring the summer vacation, but what I have earned is far from enough for me to pay the required tuition fees. In order to continue my study, I have to apply for a student loan.

If my request is granted, I will make good use of the money and put my heart into study. I will definitely pay back the loan according to the requirements. I hope that you will consider my application.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,
Gao Peng

⑷ 关于贷款的英文作文

A Letter of Application for a Student Loan.

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you to apply for a student loan. As a freshman from the English Department, I have financial difficulties in continuing my study.

There are five members in my family. My father is the only breadwinner of the whole family while my mother was laid off two years ago. My grandmother has been suffering a chronic illness for more than five years. My younger brother is now studying in high school. I took some part time jobs ring the summer vacation, but what I have earned is far from enough for me to pay the required tuition fees. In order to continue my study, I have to apply for a student loan.

If my application is approved, I will make good use of the money and put my heart into study. I will definitely pay back the loan on time according to the terms of repayment. I hope that you will consider my application. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,


⑸ 关于校园网贷利弊的英文作文(不用太难,不用太长,简单一点的,要有中文翻译)



College students are young, curious and hope to keep up with the trend, so fashionable electronic procts are favored by them. But electronic procts are often expensive, often thousands, some even tens of thousands.


In the reporter's survey, most students' monthly living expenses are between hundreds and 1000 yuan, and the source of these living expenses is mainly provided by their parents, and few of them can obtain stable income through part-time jobs.


The contradiction between consumption power and consumption desire makes staging an important way for them to purchase electronic procts. Among the surveyed students, the items purchased by installment payment are electronic procts, entertainment consumption, daily necessities, etc., of which electronic procts account for a large proportion.

消费能力和消费欲望的矛盾使得分期成为他们购买电子产品的一个重要途径。在受访学生中,使用分期付款购买的物品依次为电子产品、 娱乐消费、日用百货等,其中电子产品占了相当大的比例。

On the one hand, when students are short of money, the campus network loan can really solve the urgent need.


Xiao Ren, a senior in the Civil Engineering College of Hebei Institute of architecture and engineering, said: "we don't have a stable income now. Facing the high price of electronic procts, we are often" powerless ". Campus network loan can make us enjoy those procts that we have been longing for for earlier.


I think as long as college students can reasonably arrange the quota, they can make full use of it within the scope of tolerance.


In addition, like the traditional bank card, the credit business provided by the e-commerce platform also has a fixed repayment date every month. For example, ant Huabei business sets the 10th day of each month as the repayment date. If the current payable amount is not paid before the repayment date, the corresponding overe interest will be generated.


If the repayment period is not exceeded within one month, the credit record will not be affected, but the interest will be paid more. If the repayment period is more than one month, the credit record will be "tainted".


⑹ 校园网贷作文2000字









⑺ 互联网信贷的英语作文

Internet revolution to finance, in general, it can be divided into two parts: the Internet and Internet technology thinking, both similar to the relationship between the world outlook and methodology, assisted each other and penetration.
Internet technology deeper perspective of specific interpretation can be divided into: big data, P2P networks and all organizations on both sides of the market. Where big data is one of the most important factors. Financial no similar kind of physical proction, warehousing, logistics and other processes,
However, the data itself is the proction, storage, mining, transport, analysis and integration. So big data for financial purposes, compared to other instries, is undoubtedly much greater influence. Big Data, is thinking of the three pillars of technology and data. Big data refers not only to large-scale data, it is above all change a way of thinking, followed by the processing of these data and applications, data, processing technology and application of a list of the unification process technology, finally, big data provided must be sufficient interworking data itself.
Thinking big data will change the traditional thinking financial operations, it will change the first mortgage finance credit culture instry, promote and mainstream credit liquidity possible. In particular, China's financial instry has deep-rooted culture mortgage, the loan process in heavily dependent on the collateral, which is a very important reason for SMEs to get loans and services. Cultural let mortgage loan service provider in mind when considering simple and crude. Consider the core mortgage lenders is to determine the value of goods, to ensure that there is a corresponding value space.

⑻ 关于国家助学贷款写一篇英语作文

The job category titled “personal selling” really encompasses a wide variety of positions and responsibilities. Many marketing students as well as others in the general public may not appreciate these variations, however, since their image of selling is conditioned by the stereotype portrayed in movies, television shows, and cartoons (Thompson 1972, Swan and Adkins 1980-81). This image, however misunderstood, presents a very narrow view of selling, thwarts the appeal of a selling job as the start of a professional career path in marketing.
In fact, existent selling jobs encompass a wide range of ties, behaviors, and challenges. Various taxonomies of sales positions have been proposed to reflect the diversity in this job (McMurray 1961, Monerief 1966, Newtou 1973), while other studies have focused on job characteristics which differ among types of sales jobs (Moore, Eckrich, and Corlson 1986; Wotruba and Simpson 1990) These contributions are static in nature, however, and do not reflect how the selling process is changing or how the focus of selling behavior has evolved to outgrow those old stereotypes. Investigations of changes in behavior as indivial salespeople progress through their careers represent a more dynamic analysis (Jolson 1974; Cren 1984) but consider changes in the job’s incumbent only and not changes in the selling job itself.
Powers et al.(1987) described the historical origins and early practices of selling prior to 1900, and Power, Kcehler, Martin(1988) continued this overview from 1900 to 1949.These perspectives showed distinct differences in the practice of selling in different time periods, particularly when they corresponded with changes in economic conditions and associated competitive and market variations. Dawson (1970) offered a view of how sales management evolved from the proction era to a sales era, a marketing era, and will finally evolve to a human era, noting some changes associated with the typical salesperson at each stage as well. Fullerton (1988) disputed this categorization of eras, however, showing how marketing was an integral part of business success for numerous firms and instries ring early periods termed the “proction” era. Wotruba (1980) and Jolson (1980) discussed changes in the selling environment and how instrial selling was responding in terms of becoming more professional and managerial in nature. Sohurr (1987) suggested that approaches to effective selling arc evolving from closed and indirect techniques to consultative selling and finally to relational contracting. Cespedes, Doyle, and Freedman (1989) noted and illustrated some major shifts in selling toward the use of selling teams.
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⑼ 求一篇关于学生校园贷款的英语作文,六级考试能用的


⑽ 写一篇有关贷款的英语作文 ,写明申请原因,数额1000,用途以及如何打算还款。急求,拜托了!

A letter of application for a student loan.
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to you to apply for a student loan. As a grade one studentsfrom the English Department, I continue to study the financial difficulties.Now apply for a loan of 1000 yuan!
There are five members in my family. My father is a pillar of the whole family, my mother laid off two years ago. My grandmother suffered fromchronic disease for more than five years. My brother is learning in high school now. I took a part-time job ring the summer vacation, but my income is far from enough for my tuition. In order to continue my study, I want to apply for a student loan.
If my application is approved, I will make good use of the money, the heartof me. I will repay loans on time according to the repayment terms. I hope you can consider my application. Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,




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